01428 685902 Tracklink

Charities We Support

It gives Tracklink great pleasure to be able to support such a wonderful charity. The Children and young people need the kind, warmth and dedication of the society to progress. Whether visually impaired or not they are very much part of this country’s future that’s why Tracklink will continue to help. It’s all part of our philosophy as stated in another part of our web site, ‘if we can help, we will’.

NBCS’s mission is to enable children and young people with visual impairment to achieve their educational and recreational goals. It does this by providing services that support the whole family practically and emotionally from the time of first diagnosis, through the child's key development stages and up to completion of their formal education. 

Once the family has made initial contact with the NBCS support team, they can identify if any other services are required, such as support in the child’s educational placement; taking part in a planned family recreational activity or social event; identifying the best IT equipment to help each child participate in their social and academic environment; and providing tailor-made large-print books  so that they can explore the world of fiction and non-fiction on an equal footing as their sighted peers. 

NBCS’s aim is to help children with visual impairment and their families feel included in the modern world and to open doors to opportunities they might otherwise be denied. 

The National Blind Children’s Society (NBCS)
Bradbury House
Market Street


